Astacus² Ultra Pure Water System

Ultra Pure Water production for perfect analysis


Wang LihuaIntertek,Qsingtao, China
"Simple and beautiful appearance, efficient UV lamp, long-life ultra-pure module, and can provide stable water quality. It has a friendly interface that is easy to use and has a big touchscreen."
Sandra BundschuhUniversity Tübingen, Germany
"Ultrapure water for our analysis, the system is easy to use, friendly and competent service, inexpensive product."
Ömer AkinedenUniversity Gießen, Germany
"We use in our laboratories the MembraPure ultrapure water systems now for almost 20 years with full satisfaction. Since one year we have modern and powerful Astacus equipment. The price is favorable. The Astacus has a friendly interface and a large touchscreen display. The water quality is excellent for our analyses in the fields of molecular biology and immunochemistry"
Thomas WeidnerAxolabs, Germany
"The quality of the water is very reliable and fully meets the needs for our lab analyses. The system with its large screen is user friendly and very easy to operate."
Hou WieJiangxi Rare Metal Tungsten Industry Holding Group Co. Ltd, China
"Appearance color is beautiful, the design of the water intake arm is novel, has a large screen which is easy to operate and disassembly is convenient. The purification column and the ultraviolet lamp have a long service life, the price is favorable and water quality fully meets the needs of the laboratory analysis instruments."
Sebastian GenselJPT Peptide Technologies, Germany
"We purchased the Astacus - Water Purification System two years ago and we have used it without problems ever since."


Designed for the production of ultra pure water out of permeate water

  • The Astacus² system is designed for the production of ultra pure water out of permeate from a reverse osmosis or deionised water.
  • The Astacus² water purification system is available in different configurations (Reagent, Analytical & LifeScience) to meet the specific requirements of ultra pure water for different applications.
  • Analytical is a version with UV lamp for low TOC value. Life Science version comes with UV lamp and Ultrafiltration Module for low TOC and low endotoxin values.
  • An optionally integrated TOC sensor allows the user to monitor the TOC content permanentely online.
  • Besides that the Astacus² can be configured as bench top or bench-integrated system with external panel and wall mounted (with inclined display).
  • The μS-control checks the conductivity of feed water to protect the cartridges against inappropriate feed water.
  • If conductivity is too high the water flow will be rejected.

Main technical specifications of the system​


The scheme shows an ASTACUS Life Science TI with integrated TOC-monitoring.

Flowchart: Astacus²
Options: Bench mount Aquinity P10

Bench integrated configuration (BI version)

To save valuable benchtop space the system can be ordered as BI configuration. The system will be installed underneath the work bench and only the display and dispenser are mounted on the wall.

Options: Wall mount Aquinity P10

Wall mounted configuration

To save valuable benchtop space the system can be ordered as wall mounted configuration. the whole system can be mounted on the wall with inclined display.

Options: TOC Monitoring Astacus

TOC-Monitoring (TI version)

The TOC monitoring during production and intermittent measurements during non-use periods allows to check the organic content in water continuously. The TOC value is measured between 1 and 999 ppb and can be shown in the display to monitor organic impurities.

Options: memTap Aquinity P10


To be integrated into an ultra pure water system with a max, flow rate of 2 L/min. Point of use dispense arm with integrated control unit. Two joint to move it horizontally and vertically allowing to fill containers up to 55 cm height. Volumetric dosing of ultra pure water allows filling of containers without the attention of user, dosing eange 0.1 – 99 L, variable input and storage of values, after volume has been dispensed system goes back to standby.

Options: Volumetric Dispenser

Volumetric dispensing

Our dispenser allows the volumetric controlled dispensing of water with an increment of 0.1 L and a tap volume from 0.1 to 99 L. The system prevents overflow of containers and allows to dispense water without supervising.

Options qs-control Astacus


The μS-control checks the conductivity of feed water to protect the cartridges against feed water of poor quality. If conductivity of the feed water is too high this water will be rejected and cannot influence the quality of the ultra pure water or harm the cartridge.

Options: IQQ Documents Aquinity P10

IQ/OQ documents

Validation documents for water purification systems.

Technical Specifications
ultra pure water quality0.055 µS/cm; Type I
resistivity18.2 MegaOhm/cm
total organic carbon (TOC)< 10 ppb reagent, < 5 ppb Life Science, < 3 ppb Analytical
flow rate2 L/min, 1.5 L/min*
bacteria< 1 cfu/mL
particulate> 0.2 µm less than 1 particulate/mL
pyrogen (endotoxins)< 0.001 EU/mL*
RNAse< 1 pg/mL*
DNAse< 5 pg/mL*
dimensions, weight, power297 x 340 x 535 mm, 16-20 kg, 110 - 230 V
*with Life Science model
Feed Water Requirements
type of feed waterreverse osmosis (RO) water or deionized (DI) water
feed water conductivity< 10 µS/cm
inlet pressure0 to 1.5 bar
total organic content (TOC)< 50 ppb
temperature5 to 25 °C


The "Astacus²" is a laboratory water system that provides its user with ultrapure water for a wide variety of analytical and laboratory applications.

The Astacus produces ultrapure water from pretreated water (reverse osmosis / deionized water) for laboratory applications that require water of the highest quality.

The compact design of the Astacus² takes up little valuable laboratory space and its simple and intuitive operation makes it easy to integrate into everyday laboratory work.

Customers have the option of selecting a system with or UV lamp, depending on the area of application. If work is carried out in the life science sector, we also offer a configuration with ultrafiltration module. This eliminates the need for frequent changes of biological final filters and reduces investment costs.

Due to the simple and clear design of the software, the user can quickly operate the device through intuitive handling. The software informs the user when limit values have been exceeded or when consumables such as cartridges or UV lamps need to be replaced. A wizard guides the user through the individual steps.

You can connect the system directly to a pipe with pre-treated water, but you can also easily feed the system from a tank, which you then have to fill with pre-treated water.

The installation location can be designed very flexibly. Depending on the available work surface, the system can be integrated directly on the equipment, on the wall or under the lab bench. The display, which can be installed flexibly, also ensures convenient operation.

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Analysis of the amino acid composition of cell culture media
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